WINGS (Women Initiating New Goals of Safety)

Failure to address IPV among women who use alcohol or other drugs has been found to increase the likelihood of continued drug use, relapse, attrition from drug treatment and a host of other negative physical and mental health consequences. WINGS is a single-session intervention that aims to address a critical gap in IPV services for women by identifying women in the community at risk of IPV, enabling them to develop social support and safety planning skills to reduce their risks for IPV and linking them to IPV-related services and substance use treatment. The intervention may be delivered in-person or via a computerized self-paced version.

Columbia University, Social Intervention Group , 2015

Evidence Rating: II

Cost: Cost

Additional Info:


Alcohol/Drug Services Intimate Partner Violence

Perinatal Periods:

Parenting Postpartum Pre-/Inter-conception Prenatal

Resource types:

Model programs Screening Tools and Protocols Tools for providers

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