American College of Nurse-Midwives Position Statement on Screening and Brief Intervention to Prevent Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancy

ACNM encourages CNMs, CMs, and other professionals who provide care for reproductive-aged women to routinely use evidence-based strategies to prevent alcohol exposed pregnancy, including:
–Conduct universal alcohol screening and appropriate follow-up at least annually for all adults. For pregnant women, screen at the initial prenatal visit and during each trimester thereafter.
–Be aware of state reporting laws and potential practice implications regarding the use of ICD-10 codes to indicate alcohol use during pregnancy if recording alcohol exposure in the prenatal problem list.
–Provide education about the potentially harmful effects of alcohol on a developing fetus
–Advise use of effective contraception to prevent pregnancy; if the woman is not using contraception consistently, advise her to consider abstaining from alcohol use.
–Encourage women who are attempting to become pregnant to abstain from alcohol.
–Provide a brief behavioral intervention and appropriate follow-up plan for those who screen positive for symptoms or dependency, including a referral to specialty services as needed.
In addition,CNMs and CMs should seek information and training to enhance their knowledge and build theclinical skills needed to address alcohol use with women, especially those of reproductive age.

American College of Nurse-Midwives, 2017

Evidence Rating: III

Cost: Free

Additional Info:


Alcohol/Drug Services Prenatal Care and Education

Perinatal Periods:


Resource types:

Clinical Guidelines/Expert Recommendations for Providers

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