The Healthy Start EPIC Framework presents four guiding principles that can help Healthy Start grantees to maximize the effectiveness of their services to reduce infant mortality, improve birth outcomes and eliminate health disparities. Utilizing the EPIC principles enables grantees to strengthen community service systems to best meet participant needs across all phases of the perinatal period. The third principal is…

Implement evidence-based practices

In serving women, infants and families, use perinatal health and community strengthening interventions that have been rigorously evaluated and proven effective.

To apply this principle, HS grantees should sustain or build their capacity to:

  • Ensure access to core services across the 4 perinatal phases (preconception/interconception, prenatal, postpartum, and parenting) using the best available evidence-based approaches
  • Identify evidence-based practices to increase effectiveness of services provided
  • Screen every participant for risks and refer to appropriate providers as indicated
  • Consider participants’ values and preferences and provider’s expertise in making evidence-based care decisions


Inventory of Evidence-based Practices (EBPs) for Healthy Start Programs – A collection of evidence-based programs, practices and tools, searchable by phase of the perinatal period, topic and resource type. HS EPIC Center.

Identifying and Selecting Evidence-Based Programs and Practices: Questions to Consider – Tool to facilitate decision making and help programs and providers to choose EBPs that meet the needs of their target population and community. National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices, SAMHSA.

Healthy Start Project Checklist – Helps HS Projects to track progress in implementing key elements of Healthy Start. Checklist questions are aligned with the 4 EPIC principles. HS EPIC Center.